Friday, August 23, 2019

ANB 5.0 - WNN August 23, 2019

This week, I worked on the school news with Samuel Keopuhiwa. To become a successful film director a person needs to be able to bring a plan to life, from paper to the silver screen. This person needs to be able to organize a team and work together with an open mind. Project manager's work in project management, they plan and execute a project. An executive producer is a person who makes sure the film is on time, within budget and meets artistic and technical standards. A director of photography is the chief of the camera and light crews during a film, television or other live action piece. He or she has to make the big decisions on artistic and technical relation to the image. A specific career path I want to go into is film making because I enjoy the thought of creating something for others to enjoy and maybe have them learn or get something from it. My favorite moment in broadcast media was being in Mr. Antonio's classroom filming because he was very interactive with his students and the film crew. It made us laugh and it was really enjoyable.

ANB 5.0 - Evaluate the interactions between various broadcast professions and their impact on broadcast media development.
ANB 5.1 - Compare and contrast professions associated with the production of Broadcast media.

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