Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Proprietary Information

This picture is from pexels.com
Copyright infringement is using work, which is protected by copyright law, without permission of the rightful owner. Some legal consequences of breaking this law is a fine up to $250,000 and 5 years in prison if the person is caught again than their prison time can get up to 10 years. Some ways to get permission from the owner is first determine if permission is needed than identify the owner. After finding the owner identify the rights needed and plan ahead for permission. For example, writing them an email or if their phone number is available than give them a call. After contacting them negotiate if a payment is needed to use their work. After coming to an agreement have them write a permission agreement in writing. "Fair Use" is the use of copyrighted material that can be used under certain circumstances without the permission of the owner. One example of "fair use" in real life would be when a journalist uses a brief quote from one of the people they were interviewing. Another example would be if someone is criticizing or commenting on someones work or material, such as a book reviewer.

Confidentiality is keeping information private or secret. Some examples of this would be my passwords to social media account(s). Another example, is my password for my phone or gmail account. One other example, would be my social security number. Social media has a lot of impact on confidentiality on information. Snapchat asks for your birthday when you sign up so your friends will get a notification when your it's your birthday. Instagram along with Snapchat asks for your phone number. Censorship should be important to everyone because of the thought of having your information where it is not suppose to be can ruin your credit and other important things. Having filters on certain websites protect ones information from misuse. Censorship has to do with the 1st Amendment because having a filter would steer up debates about having the freedom of speech. This also relates to the 5th amendment, which is the right of privacy, because having censorship would have to be blocking a certain website or app maybe you have looked at before. Having privacy of what you look at might be more private at home because most homes don't have blocked websites on their wifi. On the other hand, school has blocked websites for the safety of our information.

ACO 6.1: Analyze the use of copyright and proprietary information in arts and communication to facilitate responsible, legal and ethical behavior.

ACO 6.2: Examine ethical issues in arts and communications to make appropriate decisions related to clients, co-workers and society.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Market Shifts

A market is when someone advertises or promotes a product. Markets can shift over time because of technology in many ways like for example, how people in the business do their work. In the Arts, Audio/Video, Technology and Communication industry many things have changed over the years. For example, the news used to have only a couple ways to get the news, either watching from a T.V system or listening to the radio. Now receiving the news is as easy as getting an app on any device that you choose. Another example, is the development of devices from having a wall phone to a pocket size screen that has many uses. The company "Apple" have been upgrading their iPhones since their first iPod came out and now they have an iPhone 7, which is a huge difference than the iPod. These changes affect many different companies like the newspaper or Samsung.

After taking the survey and seeing my results, my top skills are reading comprehension and active listening.  For the reading comprehension I could be be an editor of writing or I can develop story content ideas. A career that uses active listening is an air traffic controller, which informs pilots about incoming planes. A skill I need to improve would be science, which I think will open up more job opportunities. The skill that would make me most successful in my opinion is active listening because using the skill of listening jobs would become easier to find. As the market shifts continuously, using my top skills would help me become better at my job and more productive.

ACO 2.1 Analyze how shifts in market affect changes to media and design.
ACO 2.2 Evaluate how changing communication needs of a market are addressed by media and design.
ACO 2.3 Propose media and design solutions that address the changing needs in global markets.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Communication Strategies

When communicating with different audiences my communication changes depending on who I'm talking to. For example, I sound more professional talking to my teacher than I do talking to my friends because I use slang or "pidgin". I feel most comfortable or most understood by my best friend Angel because she understands what I talk about. When I'm feeling down she becomes very supportive and she'll help me out emotionally. To improve my communication in the areas of my life where I'm least comfortable or misunderstood, I would talk to those who misunderstood me and maybe help them understand how I feel or what I meant. For me talking more with those people will build the comfortability with communicating.

For my first career cluster I got arts, audio-video technology and communication. The job I might be getting into is visual designing the commercials for a product or movie. This career cluster needs people who are highly skilled in their profession, which is editing media. I feel I would be able to learn more and become highly skilled. The second career cluster is finance which is planning and providing incite for the clients investments. The job I would probably be doing is planning and helping clients make decisions depending on their needs and wants. Being competitive is a a big part of having this job because of other companies, I feel I have this skill.

ACO 4.1: Devise communication strategies to promote individual accountability and team success.
ACO 4.2: Use effective oral, written, and non-verbal communication skills to facilitate positive interactions.
ACO 4.3: Apply appropriate interpersonal skills to establish positive and sustained relationships with clients.