Friday, May 24, 2019

ALD 5.0 - Final Video Project

My team, Michael, Derek, and Jason, are working on an informative commercial to promote the use of metal straws. We chose this topic because there is an overuse of plastic straws all to be polluted in our oceans. The message we intend to communicate to our audience is that reusing just one straw can make a huge difference. Our final video project showcases a little bit of almost everything learned in Digital Media. A few examples are, some text is visible to push information that needs to be focused on and audio mixing. Using these skills showcases an understanding and quality of the video.
When shooting the straw throwing scene the wind kept blowing them all over the place and since it is the beginning of summer the sun was beaming, leading to reshoots. The biggest roadblock was our schedules and how they didn't line up, but with communication, we planned who will take the camera and get certain things done. The BEST part about creating our video was working with my team, this is our second video working on each other with and I am so going to miss it. I had a great time and I hope I could work with them again. In our critique results, I agree with because what we got because we did great on our message and research.



ALD 5.1 Design a targeted digital media message or concept that addresses the needs of a client.
ALD 5.2 Plan and construct a digital media product from budgeted resources that address client needs.
ALD 5.3 Assess the collaborative process for its impact on the design, planning, and production of a digital media product.

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