A powerful PSA could affect what an audience chooses to do with a future decision on a specific topic. I think a strong enough PSA could persuade a person to act or think differently, it adds a new look on their opinion. In my teams PSA we want to inform the audience on how drinking affects not just the driver, but also the car. The problem we're trying to solve is the prevention of drinking and driving accidents. Though drinking and driving have been done in many PSA's our PSA may show a different point of view. So the driver could put a little more thought into a decision.
The organization that is hosting the PSA video contest for our topic is the State of Hawaii, Department of Health. The Department of Health is a very informational organization that has data on how certain decisions affect a lot and not just one person. A couple of rules that shouldn't be overlooked is the PSA has to be 15-25 seconds long and using a message related to traffic safety. These rules need to be followed because it should represent the organization to the best of our ability to be chosen as one of the winners. And to do that following the rules would be the best start. In this contest or any other contests, I believe Media students earn awards scholarships, and prize money because technology is a part of the new age and for messages to be executed successfully it goes through the media. In a contest, I think the students benefit the most because they learn new skills and have opportunities to push their media career.
Our PSA went through a lot of trimming and re-doing, but we are satisfied with how it turned out. Before our rough cut we had a typical scene by scene PSA, but after our rough cut we came out with a more unique way to give show our message. From our rough cut, we needed to re-do our voiceover so it sounded more natural as we spoke. To fully shoot this successfully Hii'lei as well as myself went over the script acting out how we would speak for the voiceover. We also needed to shoot another scene with the "good" or "healthy" driver which I did the day of rough cuts. Later we added the "dramatic" soundtrack on which we edited on Garage Band. These changes help boost the quality of the PSA itself. Our best scores were in "Overall Message" and I agree with the results because considering team struggles we pulled through and we at least made an impact on others. The best compliment of the critique was a person saying that "The idea of the talking cars is really interesting and unique." They also said that the video was comprehensible for the audience.
ALD 2.1 Assess the evolution of digital media as it affects and is affected by society.
ALD 2.2 Assess changes in technology and markets as it affects digital media designs.