Our topic for the video is knowing that popularity isn't the most important thing in high school. This topic is important to us because we both became confident in ourselves and becoming happy without changing who we really are . The goal for this project is to have a 2-3 minute long video with a specific message. We need to put in background music either from "Garage Band" or from a royalty free website. My partner, Sharon, had the role of lead writer. We helped each other with both roles. She helped me film and I helped write the script. Working together helped us complete certain parts of the project faster.
As we started working on our visual statement project we learned different tips and tricks to make our video more impactful. For example, the graphic match cut, which is the matching of movement in different sceneries, we are using this trick in one of our scenes to tie a sad scene with a happy one. Using FCPX libraries, events, and projects properly is important because keeping everything, as in videos, audios and pictures, in the right places so they are organized and not lost. Audio levels in different clips can vary drastically because of how close or how far the phone or camera is from the object being filmed. To correctly balance the audio that the audience hears you would have to adjust the volume or decibels of the clip. I think the video displays the higher quality because of clarity and the visuals show what is going on. The audience can infer on what is going on in the video without the audio.My biggest challenge for this project is the "Graphic Match Cut" between scenes. To overcome this problem I rewatched the tutorial video and asked some friends to help me also. I feel like I drove the project to the project goal and I helped the project process by helping Sharon with the script and editing it. The most enjoyable part of this project is filming because laughing comes naturally to both of us so getting a real laugh or smile on film wasn't hard. Being able to work with someone like Sharon makes me smile. It was hard for me to film the sad scenes because she is just naturally a happy person and so am I. After seeing the results I do agree with them. Our results came out as we expected and what we thought we deserved. There is always a few people who disagree, and I respect their opinion, but we worked our hardest and had fun. We made one of the top three videos that will be sent to "HIKI NŌ" and we are proud that our classmates voted for us. Congrats to the other two teams.

ACO 5.1 Apply problem-solving techniques to create deliverables that address the needs of a client or target audience.
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